Medical Services
Providing the best in medical care.
Paradise Private Hospital is a general and specialist private health care provider with 14 permanent medical professionals and 10 visiting specialists providing locum services to cover our 24-hour operations.
The Hospital is a modern 40-bed facility and has Obstetric, Surgical, Pediatric and Adult medical care facilities with 9 doctors’ consulting rooms, Laboratory, X-ray, Ultrasound Scan Imaging Services and Pharmacy.
24 Hour Service
- Out-patient
- Admissions & Inpatient Care
- Accidents & Emergency
- Labour Ward
- Operating Theatre
- Pathology
- Radiology
- Medical Evaluation
- Ambulance
Specialist Service
- Emergency Physician Specialist
- Gynaecologist
- Obstetrician
- General & Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Anaesthetist
- Psychiatrist
- Pathologist
- Radiologist
- Sports Medicine Physician
- Dentist
- Chiropractor
Diagnostic Service
- X-ray
- Ultra Sound Scanning
- Laboratory
- Audiometry
- Spirometry
- Diabetes Screening
- HIV Screening
- HCG Screen Test
- Tumour/Cancer Screening
- Drug & Alcohol Screening
- General Medicals
- Pre & Post Employment
- Seafarers Medicals
- Medical Referrals
- Student Medicals
- Police Medical Reports
- Visa Medicals
- Aviation/Pilot Medicals
Corporate CVIP
The Corporate and VIP (CVIP) clinic attends to our corporate and VIP clients.
The clinic is under the supervision of Dr. Jospeh Sand and visiting specialist Dr. Wesong Boko with dedicated nursing and clerical staff. Pre-employment, 6-monthly and annual medical checks and other general health services are carried out at the CVIP clinic for corporate clients and managed through an appointment system.
Clients on this scheme include Air Niugini, ANZ Bank, APTC, Australian High Commission, BAT, BSP Bank, Datec PNG, Deloitte, Ela Motors, Media Niugini (EMTV), MRDC, NASFUND, NICTA, NMSA, Oil Search Ltd, PAG Staff, PNG Air Services, PNG Ports, PNG Power, SP Brewery, STC Group, TE PNG, Telikom PNG, TPA, Trukai Industry and WR Carpenters.
Medical Insurance Cover
Patient’s medical insurance coverage has increased over the years with more corporate employers seeing the huge benefit of such a scheme to their employees and their dependents in terms of costs and access to medical services.
PPH has seen a 30% increase in insurance cover in the last two years through direct billing in partnerships with these insurance companies which are Pacific Assurance Group, QBE insurance, Marsh Ltd and Capital Life Insurance.