Admission Protocol
Our dedicated team of professional staff are committed to providing patients with the highest standards of care. Throughout our patients' stay, from pre-admission to discharge, each patient will be treated with the utmost respect and dignity
Pre-Admission Information
Clerical pre-admission
Preadmission is an important part of your hospital care. To ensure we can confirm your admission, financial and other arrangement, we ask that you complete an Admission Form, this can be done:
- Online (safe, secure portal)
- Or our hospital booklet which can be obtained from our reception or your specialists reception
- Give us a call on 325 6022 if you have any queries at all
If you have private health cover, please contact your fund to check your excess, waiting periods and level of cover.
We know that health and billing charges can be difficult to understand and we are happy to assist in any way we can, however we also advise that you seek clarification from your doctor and health fund
Nursing Pre-admission Information
You will be contacted by telephone prior to your day of admission by our Pre-admission Nurse to go over your completed medical history form.
Please take this opportunity to discuss any concerns regarding your admission.
Your doctor will notify the hospital of the date of your procedure/operation and inform you of your day of admission. Your doctor will also explain your procedure or operation and complete the consent form with you.
If you have any questions about hospital procedures, completion of forms, costs or health insurance status, our staff will be happy to assist you.
On the day of admission
Please check in with the front reception in the main foyer at the time indicated by your doctor. Your doctor will inform you of the scheduled time for your surgery and subsequent ‘nil by mouth’ time. This means nothing to eat or drink, including water, prior to your operation. Please bring with you into hospital anything applicable to your admission including:
- doctor’s admission letter
- health fund number / details (if applicable)
- Medicare card (if applicable)
- pension health benefits card (if applicable)
- pharmaceutical benefits card (if applicable)
- regular medications
- relevant x-rays and / or test results
- for a child – favourite toy, and any special dietary needs (if applicable)
- slippers
- night attire
- toiletries
- personal articles i.e. sanitary pads (if applicable)
- method for settling your account
- please do not bring valuables
DO NOT (unless your doctor gives you special instructions):
- Eat or drink anything after midnight for morning surgery
- Eat or drink anything after 7am for afternoon surgery – (a light breakfast prior to 7am is acceptable ie. tea and toast)
- Smoke cigarettes or chew gum
- Wear jewelry. A wedding ring and watch are permitted.
- Bring valuables ie. mobile phone and large amounts of cash
- Wear make-up or nail polish
Day procedure patients (additional information)
- Please shower on the day of admission before coming to Hospital and put on clean clothes
- Wear garments that are comfortable and easy to remove
- Check with your nurse before informing relatives / friends regarding the time that you should be picked up.